2011年3月19日 星期六

New Google Chrome Logo

Following on from the new logo design for Google Chromium, Google has now released a new logo design for its Chrome browser which follows in the same flattened style of the Chromium one.
The new Chrome logo is currently only available within the Developer channel and was released in the Chrome 11.0.696.12 version released yesterday. As with the Chromium logo the new Chrome logo is expected to roll out across other stable versions in the future.

New Chrome Logo

Comparing the new with the old logos pictured below, you can see how the new designs have lost their 3D appearance and are now a more stylised, cleaner, flattened version of the original. The images above and below, show the Google Chromium logo on the left and the Chrome logo on the right.
What do you think? Is it an improvement or did you prefer the 3D look?
Old Chrome Logos
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