2011年3月19日 星期六

NGP Digital & Physical Games To Be Released Day & Date

Sony’s definitely one to work harder at succeeding where they previously failed, the NGP itself is proof of that. And they’ve hardly had a more stinging or recent failure than the PSP Go. You may remember it as that digital-only console Sony made and then released UMD-only games for usb flash drive.

“One thing we learnt from PSP, is that we want to have simultaneous delivery in digital and physical for NGP,” SCEE president Andrew House explained. “Just to clarify that, all games that appear physically will be made available digitally.” That’s nice and all, but a word of advice, Sony.
My platform strategy experience is shall we say limited, but it would be neat if people who buy a physical copy of the game would get the digital copy for free. Just something to mull over while you go through George Hotz’s underwear drawer or whatever it is you do for fun these days.

